This policy outlines how this website ( collects, uses and or discloses information.
This website uses Cloudflare services to cache some aspects of the website and reduce request load. As part of this Cloudflare may collect data such as your IP address, browser information, the pages of our site that you visit, the time and date of your visit, and other statistics. This data is used to help prioritize areas of the site to optimize for improved user experience. Please refer to Cloudflare's privacy policy.
This website is a fan made project not endorsed or supported by COVER Corp. Any content that is used abides by the Derivative Works Guidelines.
Some aspects of this website may be accessed from a Discord Bot, which may require the storage of Discord Guild, Channel and or Message IDs in order to function.
Content on this website is obtained from user generated messages on publicly available YouTube streams. This website is not responsible for the contents of said user generated content.
Some links may direct you to external websites, such as YouTube, Pixiv or Twitter. No data from this site is sent to these websites, and they are subject to their own respective policies.
Should you wish to contact this website, please either email [email protected] or reach out to @arkahnx on Twitter or Discord.
Design by ArkahnX © 2023