If I had a nickel for every time my oshi busted her leg while she was on the go, I'd have four nickels, which is twice as many as two. It can no longer be considered a strange occurrence.
Hearing the Jump King music during the stream intro felt really nostalgic & comfy. Really happy to see you getting back to the jumping grind. Good luck on getting Ghost Babe & setting new records!
Would Holo JP or EN start getting into Tekken 7? Would be the best game collab streams. I wait for one of them to pick a cheesy character. (Probably gura)
You know, Calli, your entire Jump King streams inspired me to learn GG Strive and Street Fighter. If you can get good at this beast, I can get good at those games. Good luck on your second deep dive with this game!
Seeing you play this again is so nostalgic. It feels like forever ago and just yesterday. You were one of the first vtubers I watched and this being one of your earlier games, just brings me back
Thanks for introducing us Deadbeats to Jump King. Its now one of my favorites, and I've just started Jumping for the Ghost Babe, along with helping my Best Bud through the OG game. I'm pumped to see you Jump again! See you at the top Sheriff.
The last time I got to see you play this it was the most stressful time of my life. I'm in a much better spot now. Thanks for always being there Dad. I have to sleep can't wait to see the VOD tomorrow
Mori calliope, famed for song: Welcome to the Bog land. Lyrics: Welcome to the Bog land! Waiting till the bog calls. I hope you're ready to be jumping till the night falls.
Never gonna bog you up Never gonna bog you down Never gonna bog around and desert you Never gonna make you bog Never gonna say bogbye Never gonna tell a lie and bog you
Hey Boss I hope you don't mind me falling asleep to your stream because I have to take a table 5 (military test) tomorrow Good luck on your jumping! your dead beat soldier signing out good night Boss!