Congrats on the big Holo Worms Tournament victory! #MoriSweep Glad to hear you've got some great internet now as well. Hope things have been going well and you had fun visiting Kronii
I guess nobody won, but I'm still proud of ya for proving in the final round that Calli can BE! AGGRESSIVE! BE BE AGGRESSIVE! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MORI!!!!
Oct 3, 2022, 5:13 AM UTC
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Member for 3 monthsMembership Message
Damn 3 months since i joined membership already?! how time flies when your having fun!
4K??? FOUR K? Coincidence, I think not... Congrats on worms win. I had a feeling it might happen that way But super congrats on the home base internet working out!!
Watching you in the tournament was a lot of fun, and Thanks so much for getting non-fiction produced, the Myth Girls sound better together with each new original! I hope to see the five of you perform it live!